6th International Scientific Conference on the Development of Rural Environment

17 November 2022, Szarvas, Hungary


  • Rural development
  • Agriculture
  • Natural environment
  • Economic environment
  • Social environment
  • Tourism

17th November 2022

Moderator of the conference: Dr. Zoltán EGRI assoc. professor (MATE)

9.00-10.00  Registration

10.00-10.20  Opening Ceremony


Plenary session


10.20 – 10.40: QUANTITATIVE AND PHENOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF RAGWEED POLLEN FOR EUROPE — László MAKRA – Professor emeritus – University of Szeged, Faculty of Agriculture, Hungary

10.40 – 11.00: PIGS: COGNITION AND BEHAVIOR — David ARNEY – Professor – Estonian University of Life Sciences, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Estonia

11.00 – 11.20: IOT AS PLATFORM FOR LOW-COST DIGITAL SOLUTIONS ON SMALL SCALE FARMS — Grujica VICO – Assoc. professor – University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agro-economy and Rural Development, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Danijel MIJIC – Assoc. professor – University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Bosnia and Herzegovina

11.20 – 11.40: PLANT PROTECTION PRACTICES IN AGRICULTURE AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT — Ismet YILDIRIM – Professor – Pamukkale University, Department of Plant and Animal Production, Türkiye

11.40 – 12.00: SCALING THE AGROECOLOGY – A POTENTIAL IN AGRICULTURE TRANSFORMATION — Srđan ŠEREMEŠIĆ – Professor – ĆUPINA Branko – Professor – TICA Nedeljko – Professor – University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia

12.00 – 13.00  Lunch

Environment session


13.00 – 14.00  Session: Environment

LAKICEVIC Milena: Mapping of invasive species on the territory of Novi Sad (Serbia)

CHEREJI Bianca-Denisa, MUNTEANU Florentina-Daniela: Wool sheep – a valuable fibre that affects the environment as an unvalorised waste

SALASAN Cosmin, DUMITRESCU Carmen Simona, IOSIM Iasmina: The ecosystem services as defined by the Millennium

BOZÓKI Boglárka, BOGNÁR Kitti Annamária, VÉRTESY László, BOROS Anita: The possible impacts of circular economy on the development of sustainable agri-food sector

14.00 – 14.15  Break


Agriculture – Economics session


 14.15 – 15.15  Session: Agriculture – Economics

UROSEVIC Miroslav I., GRABIC Jasna, PONJIGER Igor, KENDJEL Mihael, GAVRILOVIĆ Ana, KOWALSKA-GÓRALSKA Monika, IVKOVIC Maša: 20 year retrospective review of Serbian aquaculture

JANCSÓ Mihály, OLÁH Endre, SZALÓKI Tímea, SZÉKELY Árpád, PAUK János: Rice Production of Hungary in the First Decades of the 21st Century

SIPICZKI Zoltán, VARGA József: Inflation dynamics and food prices in Hungarian agricultural economy

RUJESCU Ciprian, FEHER Andrea: Is agricultural production correlated with labour force? Case study on Romania

KÁLMÁN Ákos: Antibiotic reduction in Hungarian livestock farming

15.15 – 15.30  Break


Rural development – Tourism session


15.30 – 16.45  Session: Rural development – Tourism

SICOE-MURG Oana Maria, MATEOC-SÎRB Nicoleta, MATEOC Teodor, PEȚ Elena, DUMITRESCU Carmen: Aspects regarding the development of tourist potential in Simeria area, Hunedoara County, Romania

SZABÓ Kinga, HORVÁTHNÉ KOVÁCS Bernadett, KOPONICSNÉ GYÖRKE Diána: Evaluation of the young farmer support in South Transdanubia

KÓRÓDI Márta, SAVELLA Orsolya, BAKOS Róbertné: Analysis of the relationships between touristic experience attitudes and travel characteristics

MONDOK Anita: Key challenges for rural destinations to meet the expectations of Generation Z travellers

EGRI Zoltán: Socialist and postsocialist territorial development in Békés County

16.45  Closing the conference



The printed posters can be viewed continuously on site, the electronic posters will be shown during the breaks between the sections.

ADAMOV Tabita, IANCU Tiberiu, PET Elena, PIRVILESCU Luminita, POPESCU Gabriela, CIOLAC Ramona, SUBA Anka: Sustainable development possibilities of Gorj County’s rural area, through agritourism activities

CONSTANTINESCU Simona Cristina, DUMITRESCU Carmen Simona, SICOE-MURG Oana, CHIS Sabin: Research on employee’s motivation in tourist services

GOMBOS Béla, CSENGERI Erzsébet, SZALÓKINÉ ZIMA Ildikó: Extreme drought in Szarvas Region in 2022

DUMITRESCU Carmen, SĂLĂSAN Cosmin, PET Elena, SICOE-MURG Oana Maria, CONSTANTINESCU Simona: Analysis of European winegrowing

MERCE Iuliana Ioana, MILIN Anda Ioana, PET Elena: Vaser Valley – an important ecotourism destination in promoting Maramures area

MILIN Ioana Anda, MERCE Iuliana Ioana, DUMITRESCU Carmen, GORDAN Marius: Aspects regarding the sustainable tourism in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve

PARASZT Márta: Brands, tastes, judgements

PASCARIU Anka Roxana, GORDAN Marius, IOSIMIasmina, ADAMOV Tabita, IANCU Tiberiu: Aspect regarding agritourism in Timis county

SOÓS Anita: The importance of agricultural education in our days

PIRVULESCU Luminita, IANCU Tiberiu, ADAMOV Tabita, SIRBULESCU Claudia, SALASAN Cosmin, BORDEAN Despina-Maria: Study on the grouping of food products in nutritional research

PEŢ Elena, ADAMOV Tabita, MORARIU Florica, SICOE Oana, GORDAN Marius, PEŢ Ioan: Study on the vegetable market

MANESCU Camelia, MATEOC-SIRB Nicoleta, ADAMOV Tabita, MATEOC Teodor: Sustainable rural development of the municipality of Orăştioara de Sus, Hunedoara County

BODNÁR Károly: Indoor air quality of rabbitries

RAȚ (BOTICI) Mirabela-Elena, MUNTEANU Florentina-Daniela: Wine waste management

CIOLAC Ramona, ADAMOV Tabita, POPESCU Gabriela, BODNAR Karoly: Agritourism-capitalization possibility of rural community resources

KOLOZSVÁRI Ildikó, KUN Ágnes, JANCSÓ Mihály, VALKOVSZKI Noémi J., ONCSIK Mária B., BOZÁN Csaba, GYURICZA Csaba: Evaluation of phenological parameters and green mass weight of forage sorghum irrigated with fish farm effluent